Saint Hilary School is mindful of its mission as a Kindergarten - 8th grade elementary and middle school to come forth every day in devotion to our academic excellence, Catholic values, and instilling a lifelong love of learning within our students. Founded in 1963 by the Sisters of the Holy Faith, Saint Hilary School is a unique blend of a traditional and progressive practice. Our whole-child approach to education prepares our well-rounded graduates of character for the secondary school of their choice and for life.
School Established
Approximately Students Enrollment
Full-time / Part-time Teachers
Average Student / Teacher Ratio
iPads in Grades K- 8
Century Education
As Catholics, we:
Saint Hilary School is accepting resumes from dynamic and dedicated educators for possible teaching positions for the 2025-2026 academic year. Candidates should be passionate about fostering both the academic and spiritual development of students in a nurturing environment. Please send resume and cover letter to Dr. Marie Bordeleau: mbordeleau@sainthilaryschool.