Angel Fund
The Saint Hilary School Angel Fund is the cornerstone of all fundraising efforts every year. Without your generous annual support, we would not be able to fulfill our mission to provide a 21st Century academic education steeped in our rich Catholic values. The Angel Fund enables the school to bridge the gap between the tuition revenue received and the actual cost of educating each student – a difference of $2,000 per student at Saint Hilary School.
Without the Angel Fund, we wouldn’t have…….
- Enrichment programs in Christian Leadership, Fine Arts, Spanish, Music, and Technology
- Literacy enrichment (Endeavor) for Grades 1-4
- Dedicated Reading and Resource specialists for all grades
- Dedicated Math and Science teaching specialists for Grades 5-8.
- New Concrete Math program for Grades 5-7
- New Executive Functioning curriculum for Grades 3-8
- Dedicated Makerspace program for all grades
- Social School Counselor available twice a week
What is the Amount?
We ask that each family make an annual contribution of $2,000 per student.
While families are encouraged to meet, or if possible, exceed the requested donation per student, we ask that each family participate. Our goal is 100% participation of all SHS families.
Make your one-time or recurring gift or pledge by November 21, 2024. Pledge now and you have until June 15, 2025 to pay!
We accept Low Cost Basis Stock gift.
We welcome Employer Corporate Matching and Family gifts. Stock gifts are another great way to donate.
All gifts are tax-deductible.
How To Make Your Gift?
It is easy to give! Click below to make your one-time or recurring gift from your checking account or credit card.
If you prefer you can pay by check. Please make it payable to Saint Hilary School and write Angel Fund in the memo line. Just drop it off or mail it to the Advancement Office, Saint Hilary School 765 Hilary Drive, Tiburon, CA 94941.
If you are not ready to make a gift today, you may make a pledge promise to be paid by June 15, 2025, by using our Pledge Promise Form below.
For questions, please contact Lidiette Ratiani, SHS Director of Marketing, at lratiani@sainthilaryschool.org.