Importance of Philanthropy
Saint Hilary School has an embedded culture of philanthropy and by sustaining this culture, we model giving, generosity, and compassion to our children. This strong culture of philanthropy allows Saint Hilary to live, thrive and grow each day, and support our long term strategic priorities.
Annual Giving is the most important way to contribute to Saint Hilary School. Each gift from our community collectively contributes to create unique, hands on, learning experiences for all our students, and incredible enrichment opportunities for our facility to grow as educators. Saint Hilary School requests each family participate in all fundraising opportunities.
There are many ways to give to Saint Hilary School:
Angel Fund (How we live each day)
The Saint Hilary Fund is the cornerstone of our fundraising efforts each year. Like all parochial schools, tuition alone does not cover the true operating cost of a Saint Hilary education. We are able to provide a robust academic and spiritual experience because the Angel Fund funds critical operating expenses of the school. Without the Angel Fund, Saint Hilary wouldn’t have the dedicated, credentialed, and professional faculty, enrichment courses, state of the art technology and more. Click here to learn more about the Angel Fund and how to donate.
Annual Auction (How we thrive each year)
A fun filled spring evening gala hosted by the Saint Hilary Tiger Parent Association that raises additional funds to support the annual operating costs of the school. These fundraising efforts, especially the Fund a Need live auction item, have provided our faculty’s development opportunities, acquire new technology and even enhancing the beauty of our campus. All donations to Fund a Need are tax-deductible. Click here to learn more about our Annual Auction and how to participate.
Secure Their Future (How we grow for the future)
Saint Hilary School embarked on a major transformation in 2018 - 2022 of its front building footprint to include a more open, flexible Learning Center with a new library, language lab, and rooms for learning resource, performing arts and a MakerSpace. This one-time capital raising effort was a specific campaign to raise funds to support the campus improvements that enhanced our Future Ready education facilities. We are forever grateful for the generosity of our parent community and the SHS community at-large that made this dream possible!
Educate A Child (How we show our compassion)
With a gift to our Educate A Child fund, you can change a less fortunate child’s life forever with a Saint Hilary School education. Our goal is to provide financial assistance to families who are unable to afford a Catholic School education and to provide an enduring legacy of a strong religious and academic foundation for a successful future. Click here to learn more about our Educate A Child fund and how to donate.
Unleash the Potential and Support Saint Hilary School!
Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law although we recommend that you consult with your tax advisor. Our tax id is 84-3032159.