Tuition, Fees, & Financial Assistance
Saint Hilary School Tuition
Tuition for one child for the 2024-2025 academic year is $15,963.00. Discounts are available for siblings. Please call the Admissions Office for details: 415-937-5501.
Application Fee:
- $150
One-Time New Student Acceptance Fee:
- $1,650 per student (Grades K-4)
- $2,650 per student (Grades 5-8)
Annual Enrollment Fee: Includes school supplies and are per student, per year
- For grades K - 3 $465
- For grades 4 - 8 $610
* All fees are non-refundable.
For details regarding refund of registration fees for financial aid recipients, please click here.
Saint Hilary School Tuition Assistance Options
Saint Hilary leverages all forms of aid available to our families. All families who wish to be considered for financial aid must apply to all three sources: The Saint Hilary Tuition Assistance Fund, Archdiocesan Family Grants and The BASIC Fund . Each type of aid has its process. Please read the descriptions below carefully:
Saint Hilary Tuition Assistance
Saint Hilary School and Parish offer tuition assistance to families who need some financial assistance in order to provide their children with a Catholic education. The Financial Assistance Committee looks at each family's needs on a case-by-case basis and awards are based on the assistance budget for the year, as well as the number of families in need. Saint Hilary uses the financial aid assessment and application in TADS in order to review each family's request. Therefore, you must complete the TADS application at http://www.mytads.com in order to be eligible. The 2025-26 Financial Aid portal is now open in TADS.
Deadline: You must submit your TADS application at http://www.mytads.com and the Saint Hilary Tuition Assistance Application by January 17, 2025, in order to be considered for financial aid for the upcoming 2025-26 school year. If you have not completed your 2024 tax return, please upload your most recent year's tax return (2023) and when you have your 2024 W-2s or 1099s in January you may upload them to your TADs account.
Notification: We will do our best to have your financial assistance package available when you are notified of your acceptance.
The BASIC Fund
Each family must also complete the application for The BASIC Fund for the 2025-26 school year. The application will be available in mid-January 2025. The BASIC Fund is a privately funded program whose mission is to broaden the educational opportunities for students by helping low-income families afford the cost of tuition at private schools in the Bay Area. The BASIC Fund is available for new students attending a private school for the first time only. Siblings already attending the school and not receiving the BASIC Fund can be included as long as one student in the family is attending a private school for the first time.
The program is available to students entering Kindergarten through Eighth Grade to attend private schools in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma Counties. The program provides scholarships to help families send their children to the private school of their choice. The BASIC Fund scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need and the income eligibility requirements as follows:
Click Here for information on The Basic Fund and its procedures
Deadline: You must submit your BASIC Fund at www.basicfund.org by TBD (usually March 31st) in order to be considered for financial assistance for the upcoming 2025-26 school year. Families may submit 2023 tax returns if their 2024 returns are not yet prepared.
New siblings for current BASIC Fund students, must call The BASIC Fund at (415) 985-5650 to request a link to apply for a new student.
For Renewing Families: You will receive an email in early February 2025 with a renewal application link.
If you have any questions regarding Saint Hilary's Tuition Assistance Program or what to do if your family does not receive the amount of financial assistance you need to maintain your student's enrollment in the school, please contact Dr. Marie Bordeleau, Principal, at mbodeleau@sainthilaryschool.org or 415.435.2224.